How to Read Human Design Chart

Human design theory is a fascinating system, but the charts (also known as bodygraphs) are pretty confusing! If human design terminology is new territory and you aren't sure how to interpret all the drawings, lines, and numbers on your chart, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll explain the human design system and what it's based on. Then, we'll take you through the basic elements of a chart and explain what everything means. If you're ready to read and understand your human design chart, scroll down!

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Human design is a self-exploration system that draws on traditions like the I-Ching, the Kabbalah, chakras, and astrology.
  • Your human design chart, or bodygraph, is a blueprint of who you are. It reveals information about your personality, tendencies, and energetic aura.
  • Use a free online generator to get your human design chart. Then, use the chart to help you recognize, understand, and embrace your innate gifts.


[Edit]What is human design?

  1. Human design is a self-exploration system that combines ancient and modern beliefs. Human design draws on traditions like the I-Ching, the kabbalah, the chakra system, and astrology to help you understand what makes you unique. You can use this system to explore your personality and psychology, and the overall goal is to provide you with the tools to help you live your best life.[1]
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    • Though human design isn’t based on science or studies, it is founded on ancient and respected traditions. If your bodygraph fits you well, that’s great! If it doesn’t, then there’s no need to stress. At the end of the day, you define yourself.
    • You might also hear human design referred to as the Science of Differentiation, the New Astrology, or the Science of The Aura.
  2. A human design chart is a blueprint of who you were born to be. As a system, human design is probably most similar to astrology since the chart is generated based on your birth information (similar to a natal chart in astrology).[2] The chart, also known as a bodygraph, reveals information about your personality, natural tendencies, and energetic aura. You can use it to help you recognize and embrace your innate gifts.[3]
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    • Your human design chart will include information you’d normally find through personality tests like Enneagram and Myers-Briggs, but it delves much deeper since it includes the astrological side of things, as well.

[Edit]How do I get my human design chart?

  1. You can generate your human design chart online for free. There are plenty of websites that will generate a chart for you! You just need to know your birth date, the exact time of your birth, and your birth location. Once you get your chart, you’ll notice that many sites provide little to no insight on how to read or understand it—that's where we come in![4]
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[Edit]How to Read a Human Design Chart

  1. Energy type{endbold} This is the foundational element of your chart. There are 5 energy types that define energetic auras: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. You'll fall into one of these categories, so check the top of your chart to find out how you align. Understanding your energy type will teach you a lot about your innate qualities and help to put your other chart elements into perspective.[5]
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    • Manifestor: Your bold and spontaneous energy makes you a trailblazer. You're an innovator who loves to make things happen.
    • Generator: Your energy is uplifting and this draws people to you. You stay busy and seek out things that excite you.
    • Manifesting Generator: You're a blend of Manifestor and Generator energies, so you're an innovator with boundless energy.
    • Projector: You see the world in a unique way, which draws people to you. You're an analyzer with a gift for seeing patterns in the world around you.
    • Reflector: Your energy is empathetic and intuitive. You're a sensitive and ever-changing chameleon who reads people and situations with ease.[6]
  2. Strategy{endbold} Each energy type is linked to a corresponding strategy. Strategy tells you how to most efficiently use your energy in your daily life. Following your strategy allows you to use your aura correctly and can have a significant impact on your life.
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    • The Manifestor’s strategy is to inform. Since your energy is bold and spontaneous, you forge ahead with creative plans. But, you don't keep others in the loop. Instead of going at it alone, explain your intentions before you act. You're a born leader, so others will assist you.
    • The Generator's strategy is to respond. Your boundless energy is magnetic, but sometimes you're too busy to notice new people and opportunities. Slow down and respond to the things you attract. You don't need to chase after them—they'll come to you!
    • The Manifesting Generator's strategy is to visualize and inform. Your boldness is a force of nature. You forge ahead when inspired (which is often), and you stay busy. This causes you to miss amazing, new opportunities. Slow down so you can respond and react to good things in your life.
    • The Projector's strategy is to wait for recognition and invitation. You're a great leader, but sometimes you push yourself (and others) beyond capacity. This can create friction. Take a step back and let others appreciate your work. When they inevitably invite you to do more, seize the opportunity.
    • The Reflector strategy is openness. You reflect energies around you, which makes you naturally sensitive and ever-changing. It's your gift! Don't try to mask it so others feel more comfortable. Embrace your open nature and give yourself permission to chase life's mysteries—don't worry about what others think.
  3. Not-self theme{endbold} Each energy type is connected to a specific not-self theme, which reflects the negative emotion(s) your energy type feels when you aren’t using your energy effectively. If you notice yourself feeling these emotions, it's a sign that you need to embrace your specific strategy to make changes in your daily life.
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    • Generator: Frustration
    • Manifestor: Anger
    • Manifestor Generator: Frustration + Anger = Impatience
    • Projector: Bitterness
    • Reflector: Disappointment
  4. Inner authority{endbold} Your inner authority is your intuitive way of knowing if a decision is the right one for you. Think of it as your personal compass that you can consult to help you make decisions like where to live, what career path to follow, which relationships to develop, and so on. The main inner authorities are:[7]
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    • Emotional: Trust your feelings to help you make decisions.
    • Sacral: Listen to your inner voice to make decisions.
    • Splenic: Use your intuition to help you make decisions.
    • Ego: Fall back on your willpower to help you make decisions.
    • Self-projected: Reflect on who you truly are before making decisions.
  5. Energy centers{endbold} Each energy center is a hub that corresponds to certain functions. On the chart, energy centers are represented by geometric shapes that are shaded in with color (colors vary by chart) or white. If an energy center is shaded in with color, that means you connect strongly with that center; it’s fixed and reliable. If the center is white, it means you don’t naturally connect to this area (meaning you’re more vulnerable there). Think of these as your natural strengths and weaknesses.[8]
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    • Head/crown: Inspiration
    • Mind: Conceptualization
    • Throat: Communication
    • G: Self-identity
    • Heart: Willpower
    • Spleen: Intuition
    • Sacral: Life force
    • Solar plexus: Emotion
    • Root: Stress/fuel
  6. Profiles{endbold} Profiles are associated with archetypes. Your profile will consist of two numbers (ex: 5/1, 1/3, etc.) The first number represents the part of you that you're more aware of, and the second number reflects how others see you (so you may be less aware of these qualities). Work on embracing the second number while honoring the first.[9]
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    • (1) The Investigator: You love to study deeply and research things.
    • (2) The Hermit: You tend to hold back and wait for the right opportunity.
    • (3) The Martyr: You learn by trial and error.
    • (4) The Opportunist: You network and leverage your relationships.
    • (5) The Heretic: You’re creative and rebellious.
    • (6) The Role Model: You learn by trial and error, integrate, and share wisdom.
  7. Gates{endbold} The gates are the short, colored lines that originate in the energy centers. You’ll notice that gates are associated with numerals and the lines only reach halfway between two energy centers. Gates represent how you think, act, and relate to others. There are 64 gates, and you can use this handy chart to look up the meanings of your gate numbers:
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  8. Channels{endbold} A channel is when two gate lines connect to create a strong relationship between energy centers. Channels represent places where you tend to feel particularly in sync or solid. You can read about all possible channels and what they mean here:
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  9. Planetary symbols{endbold} You'll notice a vertical line of boxes on both the left and right side of your chart. Inside each box is a symbol, or glyph, that corresponds to a specific planet. Each planet represents a specific theme or characteristic in your life. The left column (the red boxes) are unconscious themes tied to your physical body. The right column (the black boxes) are conscious characteristics linked to your mind. Each box also has a numeral inside it that corresponds to a chakra or gate on the bodygraph.
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    • The Sun ⊙: Your outer expression; your personal power and talent.
    • Earth ⊕: What grounds and supports you.
    • North node ☊: What you came to master in this lifetime; lessons for growth.[10]
    • South node ☋: Your natural talents.[11]
    • Moon ☽: What drives you; your emotions and inner world.
    • Mercury ☿: Your ideas, thoughts, and communication style.
    • Venus ♀: Your values, ideals, aesthetic standards, and relationship desires.
    • Mars ♂: Your drive, actions, and sexuality.
    • Jupiter ♃: Your philosophy and spiritual connection.
    • Saturn ♄: Your inner rules and boundaries.
    • Uranus: Your individuality and humanitarian aspects.
    • Neptune ♅: Your intuition, dreams, and spiritual path.
    • Pluto ♇: Your hard truths and struggles; what makes grow.


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