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How to Block a Number on the iPhone

MR Munna
Quick ways to stop a phone number from calling or texting your iPhone

Do you need to block incoming calls or messages from a phone number you don't know? If you suspect you're being contacted by a spam number, or if you no longer want to speak to someone specific, you can easily block their number in a few simple steps. You can block numbers or contacts in your Settings, the Phone app, and even the Messages app. This wikiHow will show you how to block and prevent unwanted phone calls or messages from a phone number on your iPhone.

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Open "Settings" → "Phone" → "Blocked Contacts" → "Add New…" → tap the contact.
  • Open "Phone" → "Recents" → "i" → "Block this Caller" → "Block Contact".
  • To unblock, open "Settings" → "Phone" → "Blocked Contacts" → "Edit" → minus sign → "Unblock".


[Edit]Adding Contacts to Block List

  1. Open the Settings app. This looks like a grey cog icon.[1]
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 1 Version 6.jpg
  2. Tap . You can find this in the middle of the page, underneath Voice Memos.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 2 Version 6.jpg
  3. Tap . This will be underneath Call Blocking & Identification.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 3 Version 5.jpg
  4. Tap . You can find this at the very bottom of the page. If you have many numbers blocked, you may need to scroll to find this option.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 4 Version 5.jpg
  5. Tap the contact you want to block. They will be added to the block list.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 5 Version 5.jpg
    • To block another number, tap Add New… again and select a new contact.
    • To unblock a number, tap Edit in the top-right corner → tap the red minus sign → tap Unblock.

[Edit]Blocking from Recent Calls

  1. Open the Phone app. This looks like a white phone icon with a green background.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 6 Version 5.jpg
  2. Tap . It's a clock icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 7 Version 4.jpg
  3. Tap next to the number you want to block. It's on the right side of the screen.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 8 Version 4.jpg
  4. Tap . This will be in red, at the very bottom of the page.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 9 Version 4.jpg
  5. Tap . The phone number will be blocked on your iPhone.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 10 Version 4.jpg

[Edit]Blocking from Messages

  1. Open the Messages app. This looks like a white chat bubble icon with a green background.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 11 Version 2.jpg
    • Use this method to block a phone number that has messaged you.
  2. Tap a conversation. Use the conversation with the phone number you want to block.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 12 Version 2.jpg
  3. Tap the contact photo. In most cases, this will be a grey person icon.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 13.jpg
    • A pop-up menu will open.
  4. Tap . This will be located underneath the phone number, to the right.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 14.jpg
  5. Tap . This will be in red, at the very bottom of the page.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 15.jpg
  6. Tap . The phone number will be blocked on your iPhone.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 16 Version 2.jpg

[Edit]Unblocking Numbers

  1. Open the Settings app. This looks like a grey cog icon.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 17.jpg
    • Use this method to unblock a phone number or a contact.
  2. Tap . You can find this in the middle of the page, underneath Voice Memos.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 18.jpg
  3. Tap . This will be underneath Call Blocking & Identification.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 19.jpg
  4. Tap . This is at the top-right corner.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 20.jpg
    • You'll see a list of all blocked numbers.
  5. Tap the red minus icon, then tap . The phone number will be unblocked on your iPhone.
    Block a Number on the iPhone Step 21.jpg



  • Using Do Not Disturb will allow you to block/silence incoming calls without needing to block contacts.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

from How to of the Day

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